Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 13- Write a letter telling someone something you could never tell them.

There aren't many people out there who I could not tell to their face exactly what I want to tell them. See previous blog on stubborn, German, bad ass genes. So, that makes today's topic a little tricky. I literally lay in bed for an hour last night before falling asleep trying to figure out what I would say today. Then I woke suddenly at 7AM and it struck me! I can write to a general population who needs to hear a message.
My first thought was writing to all the single men out there (aka, mostly douche bags and assholes), but then I realized that an open letter to the single male population isn't fair, because according to my sources there are nice guys left out there. (PS - if you know any, let them know I'm accepting applications!) And also, I have enough guy friends who have been hurt by pain-in-the-rear women as well. So, I am writing my open letter to all the single people out there who will inevitably hurt someone in the future.

Dear ever dwindling population of people to date,

Why are you so mean? I simply don't understand what the point is of stringing along someone who is obviously interested in you. If you like someone, let them know. Let's do this thing. If you don't like someone who you are dating or flirting with, let them know that too! There is no reason to continue dating and/or flirting with someone if you know you aren't interested any more. And man up and do it in person, please! Texting, emailing, and facebook are NOT ok ways to let someone down. The least we deserve is an in person explanation of why you've been dragging this out as long as you have. Yes, it's hard. But the right choices usually are.

So, let's recap:
a. make up your mind if you like a person or not
b. let them know how you feel
c. do it in person
d. don't drag things out longer than necessary. It only hurts more in the end.

Thank you!

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