Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why.



because the month started out looking like this:

When I first moved to Chicago, someone turned me on the term "The Farch". Even without ever having experienced February and March in the frigid north, the term made perfect sense to me. Having survived 4 1/2 winters later, it sticks more than ever. The Farch really just hits at the core of the death that falls upon one's soul during these two months in an icy climate. The sun disappears, the temps drop below freezing and stay there for months at a time, people are grumpy, streets are covered in snow which turns into slush, and a general apathy to life falls up almost everyone you encounter.

Knowing this would be my last winter in Chicago, I approached The Farch with a bit of a different demeanor this year. I decided I wouldn't be miserable and cranky for 2 months straight. I would hold my head high and take whatever came my way. Well then Snowmaggedon 2011 fell upon us. Seriously Lord??? When I said I would take whatever came my way with a smile, I had no clue that's what you had in mind!

Two weeks into the Farch, things are starting to look better. We hit above freezing, the sun is shining, and the God Forsaken snow is starting to melt. Of course this makes for a lot of slushy puddles and damp feet for the next few weeks, but I'll take it. I will return the smile to my face, the bounce to my step, and the sunniness to my disposition. I will survive my last Farch if it's the last thing I do!

And then, I will hop on a cruise ship to the Caribbean for a week to celebrate!

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