Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 14- A picture of something you ate and 10 confessions.

Dinner tonight: Tilapia, brown rice, yummy veggie mix. Delish!

10 Confessions...didn't I confess enough about myself during the 15 interesting facts about myself. Now I gotta come up with 10 more...sheesh!

1. I alphabetize my movie collection, and got really upset when I bought a two disc set with "A League of Their Own" and "Sleepless in Seattle" and I didn't know where to put it.

2. All of my plants have names, and I sing to them when I water them.

3. When no one else is around and I get a little stir crazy at work, I blast my radio and have dance parties in my office.

4. I've already started mentally decorating my apartment in New Orleans.

5. I have a somewhat inappropriate love for "that's what she said" jokes.

6. I have an irrational fear of people with irrational fears. I just don't know what to do or say to calm those fears, and that makes me crazy!

7. I'm far more competitive than I should be. For instance, my mother's 11 year old godson is playing me in Scrabble right now, and I'm loving that I'm kicking his butt! But, then again, he's more competitive than me. And like my dearly departed grandmother (who in all actuality made me this way) says, until kids can learn to beat your fairly, they don't deserve to win.

8. I often read the last sentence of a book first.

9. I used the leftover money from my student loan disbursement last semester to pay for the cruise I'm going on in 2 weeks.

10. I'm way nosy. I love knowing everyone else's business, not for any particular reason, just so I can know.


  1. Ok...I am seriously laughing out loud at number 6. How in heaven's name can you be such good friend with my sister if you are afraid of people with irrational fears? She is the QUEEN of irrational fears!

  2. haha!! Very good point! However, because we're such good friends, I can easily call her on her irrationality. She usually ignores me, but it works for us!
