Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 11- A picture of something you dislike.

When I went to bed last night, I was sure that getting up this morning I would write about my severe hatred for cigarette smoke. Then my friend Becky who is also doing the 30 day challenge noted in her blog today that it says something you dislike, not something you hate. So, I went to my facebook info page where I have a list of the things I dislike in this world. I wrote this list about 3 years ago, but most of it still holds pretty true. I'm sure there are a million more things that could be put on the list, but it's more fun to note what you love than what you dislike. So, I will pictorially go through as much of my facebook list as I can:


You are not the be all and end all of the world. And that's ok! As soon as you realize there are other people around you who matter just as much as you do, the better off we'll all be!

After trying to find a picture that represents individualism, I realized that not everyone has the same idea of what individualism is. I do not dislike people being individuals. In fact, I like that very much. I call it uniqueness. What I dislike is actually closely related to selfishness. I dislike when people don't recognize that we are part of a community, when they insist on doing everything for themselves with no regard to how it may affect others.

people who carry their dogs in purses

When I first thought of this concept, I envisioned the picture above. But when I saw the picture on the right, I simply had to add it as well. Seriously??? That poor dog does not look happy!

fundamentalists (and I'll go ahead and add, although it wasn't on the initial list, closed minded right wing nut jobs)


Tell the truth. 'Nuff said! Sometimes the truth sucks, but in the end lying only creates more issues and pain.


Is it really that uncomfortable to swallow your own spit? If it is, please find a more discreet and less disgusting way to get rid of it. I can't tell you how many times some stranger's spit has almost ended up on my feet...disgusting!

negative temps

I used to question: "Is there really that big of a difference between 10 degrees and -10 degrees?"

The answer is YES! It's brutal! You can absolutely feel the drop of every degree as the mercury starts falling into the frozen pits of hell!

gory movies

Is all that blood and guts really necessary? I often wonder about the people who find this entertaining. I won't judge, I promise. But, please don't ever ask me to watch it!

fiber cereal

Ick! Ack! Gross! Rabbit food anyone???


OK, this may not be exactly what I meant by snobbery, but I couldn't find a picture I liked better. And my cat is the biggest snob I know.

underwear hanging out of the back of pants

Pull your damn pants up. That is all!

obsession with sports

I'm all for team spirit, but sometimes people go a little overboard. That's all I'm saying.


It's gross. It makes you smell bad. And you don't look as cool as you think you do. Put it out and chew some gum!


It's a texture thing.


No comment.

comb overs

The caption here says it all!

But seriously? Going bald is not the end of the world. It can be very distinguishing! Own it!


Hold your horses! Good things come to those who wait! And you don't always get what you want when you want it! Get over it!

lack of compassion

Have a heart!


There is a lot of pain and sadness in the world. Some of us know all too well, because it is our own. But, some of us witness suffering every day and do nothing to acknowledge or help dispel it, even if we can. Sometimes, a simple kind word or gesture is all it takes to turn someone's entire day around. Give it a try. You have no clue how much your kindness can affect others.

gas guzzling SUVs

No one needs a vehicle like this to drive around a city. Seriously! It's just not that necessary! And newsflash: They're ugly!


Pick up your damn trash. That is all!

people who drag their feet on the ground when they walk

I sadly could not find an appropriate picture for this pet peeve. But, you know what I mean. That irritating noise of shoe scratching the surface of ground because the owner is too lazy to pick their feet up all the way while they walk. Drives me absolutely bonkers!

Well, I dare say that is enough negativity for one day. I hope tomorrow's blog topic is far more uplifting!

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