Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself.

1. I'm equal parts of shy and narcissist.  This makes a very interesting combination as one tries to think of 15 interesting things about one's self.  I'm too shy to share anything that might seem boastful, but I kind of love the attention I get if I do.  Hmmmm....tricky!

2. When I can't fall asleep at night, rather than count sheep I sing "100 Bottles of Beer on the Wall".  I usually pass out somewhere around 60 bottles.  If I make it to 20, I know it's a hopeless battle.  So, I get up and do something else for a bit and try again later.

3. I'm petrified of heights.  I don't generally have a problem with looking out the window of very tall buildings.  There is a thick pane of glass between me and the great beyond.  But standing on the edge of a cliff or a ginormous sledding hill (like I did last night) sometimes makes me want to run and hide.

4. I recently took up guitar lessons, and am enjoying it very much.  I dare say I will not be the next (insert awesome guitar legend of your choice here), but I'm getting the hang of the basics.  

5. While I love proper grammar and spelling, I also have a huge affinity for made up words (see use of ginormous 2 factoids up).  Other favorites include, but are not limited to hugulous, traumatitized, degraditated, boof, blarg, etc.

6. I also love to insert random phrases instead of expletives.  Don't get me wrong, I love a good curse word very much, but years of spending time with young, impressionable minds has caused me to need an occasional filler.  My favorites include, but are not limited to Mother of Pearl, Blast Ended Skrewt, Johnny Rockets, Shut the Front Door, Sweet Baby Jesus, etc.

7. I was almost named Sarah Lee (Lee being my grandmother's middle name).  Thankfully, my grandmother thought better of it, and Sarah Elizabeth was chosen instead.  Some call me Sarah Beth as well.

8. This May I will wrap up my 25th straight year of Catholic education.  This includes the two years I taught at Catholic schools between college and grad school.

9. I'm a counter.  I count almost everything - steps, strokes of my toothbrush, beats of song, ceiling tiles, etc.  Funnily enough, I rarely remember the number I counted to.  It's just another fleeting number in my head unless it's something I count frequently.  For instance there are 48 stairs to get to my apartment (52 at my last place).  

10. Perhaps because of this obsession with numbers and counting, I adore all things math related.  I will do random math problems in my head just to alleviate boredom on a bus ride or while walking home.  It's sick.  I know.  Feel free to mock.

11. I'm a scorpio.  I don't care what those silly astrology folks say about changing signs.  I only know how to be a scorpio and refuse to be anything else.  That being said, I rarely read my horoscope, nor to I really care about astrology.  But I like being a scorpio!  Stubborn much? 

12. I'm not particularly interested in current events (don't judge!)  I get very frustrated by watching the news and hearing about one hateful person after the next doing hateful things locally, nationally, and beyond.  I get most of my news from Jon Stewart, and am completely OK with that!

13.  I must always have a project to work on.  And it usually must have some form of self improvement as the goal.  Most recently include learning to grow veggies on a Chicago porch, learn to play the guitar, get in shape.  I think I may tackle a language next.

14. As much as I love to complain about the snow and how awful it is (and it is!), I do have a secret love affair with curling up on my couch with my cat and watching snow through the window.  But, don't tell anyone.  I will NEVER live it down!  (That being said, I'm still completely excited to be leaving harsh winter climates for good after this year.)

15. I live with joy.  It should be my middle name.  Except that I kind of like my middle name and don't want to change it.  But I try to live each moment with as much joy as possible.  How else can one get through the day!

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