Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you.

Strong willed, stubborn German DNA and the strong women who raised me

I come from a very long line of strong willed, stubborn German women. This past July, when my beloved Gobby died, one of my favorite moments was sitting in my kitchen and learning the details of my DNA's sordid past. My mother and her cousin sat on opposite sides of the bar in our kitchen sharing one story after the next of their mothers and grandmothers and all the batshit crazy things they did to assert their wills. I realized at that very moment that I never had a chance.

One could question was it the nature of my DNA passed down from these generations of stubborn women or was it the nurture I received by being raised idolizing these same women. I think it's both. I grew up knowing not only that my voice was worth being heard, but how to make damn sure everyone else also knew my voice was worth being heard.

Sometimes this "gift" can be a bit of a burden. It may have happened on occasion that I spoke too soon or said something that hurt someone. And for those times I am truly sorry. But for the many times I was able to raise my voice in defense of myself or someone I loved or someone who just needed defending I feel truly blessed.

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