Friday, June 10, 2011

Sarah and Oscar's Excellent Roadtrip! Days 8-10

Days 8-10 - Give our regards to Broadway, remember us to Herald Square

What a whirlwind of fun and adventure we've had since we entered New York! I apologize for not updating this sooner. I've had several complaints, and it is never my intention to keep my happy readers waiting for so long for an update. So, today I finally update covering the past 2 1/2 days. Beware, this could get lengthy!

When I left you last, Oscar and I had explored the deep history of the city of Brotherly Love. The following morning, we left bound for New York. Knowing though that we would pass through New Jersey, we first had several stops to make. The first of course was to get Oscar's picture taken with the state welcome sign. Well New Jersey must not be a very welcoming state, because there are no welcome signs. Trust us, we tried three separate routes. Yes, that does mean we drove back and forth over the Delaware River from PA to NJ and back three times. Don't know you love it! So, we opted for a picture with a license plate instead. Hey, you gotta get creative sometimes!

The next stop on our adventure requires a bit of back story. Many years ago, my dad was really big into family genealogy. He was able to trace our family name back to New Colestown, NJ no less. Well, I just thought that was coolest thing ever, and totally wanted to go! So, I looked it up on the map and well it doesn't actually exist any more! Boof! BUT! The historic Colestown Cemetery does still exist and it is conveniently enough located just across the state border from Philadelphia. Well fate, if you're gonna make it that easy, I guess I have to go!

And it was really neat. I actually learned some pretty cool stuff. Take particular note of his daughter's name:

Well all of that adventure took us way past our original departure time, so rather than take beautiful US hwys through NJ into New York, we hopped right on the turnpike. Otherwise, we would have hit the George Washington Bridge about 5:30 PM. I'd rather eat dirt!

Yet again, upon entering the great state of New York, no welcome sign! Well, that's not entirely true. There was a placard in the middle of the GW Bridge, but pulling over to get Oscar's picture with it was not a very good idea, so we bypassed. We figured there will be another opportunity to enter New York on our way back from Massachusettes on Monday. So, that picture is on hold for now. We'll fill you in later.

We arrived at Krista's with little damage (other than our frazzled nerves from having to drive through the Bronx as school was letting out), got our stuff settled and headed out to grab a bite and have a quick drink. Nine hours later, we arrived back at home! Good times! Oscar didn't take any pictures that night. He didn't want anything embarrassing to end up on the Internet!

Thursday morning though, we hit the town, camera in hand, ready for a good time and some excellent picture taking! Unfortunately, it was hotter than Hell's waiting room in New York yesterday, so we had to be careful and yet again get creative. We got downtown with no specific plan in mind. We had about 5 hours to kill though before we met Krista for dinner. First stop...Time's Square!

As we walked past Times Square, we saw that Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum was right there. Given that it was 800 degrees outside and I really needed a bathroom break anyway, we thought this was a great pit stop in our adventure! And we had a blast! Oscar got to meet all sorts of wonderful people:

Now that we were cooled off, we continued our trek further south to Herald Square:

and waved to the Empire State Building before heading back north.

Oscar wanted to make a quick stop here and buy me something pretty...

but that silly man left his wallet at home! So, we had to settle for just the picture.

Our final stop before meeting Krista for dinner was to stroll through Central Park, ending ultimately at Strawberry Fields. Unfortunately, what we didn't realize was that the Black Eyed Peas were playing in Central Park last night. So what was intended as a leisurely stroll through the park turned into fighting through mobs of obnoxious people. And can I remind you again that it was unbearably hot while we were doing this! By the time we got to Strawberry Fields, we simply had time for a quick picture, but at least we got that!

Oscar says, "I can imagine a better world, can you???"

We closed out the night with Krista and Scot at a great bar on the Upper West Side called Jake's Dilemma. If you live in New York or visit New York, you should definitely check this place out, especially between 4 and 8 when everything is half priced and the music selection totally rocked my socks! Oscar had fun, too!

There was one minor incident in which I had to give a piece of my mind to an incredibly rude and obnoxious drunk guy who invited himself to sit at our table. Actually it was kind of impressive to everyone around me. Even I was a bit impressed. Word to the wise, if you want to make new friends at a bar, don't be all assholey to them and piss them off. Then maybe they'll want to talk to you and not tell you off. Just saying!

Anyway, the adventures continued with the ride back to the Bronx. Here's the kicker in the Bronx means it is inevitably a pain in the rear to get home after any fun night in the city. It makes it even harder when you accidently miss the stop you're supposed to get off of to transfer to your train and then you have to backtrack and figure out another way home. It was a bit of an adventure. But you know us, we love adventures!

Today has been a bit of a lazy day. We have some shee shee la la plans this evening, so we played it cool this morning. This evening we are going to a Spring Hill Alumni function at the Princeton Club (when you read those words, please insert haughty air of sophistication as that's how Krista and I say it!) It should be very swanky! Then we are going to some fancy schmancy rooftop club for drinks. It should be lots of fun, but I'm leaving Oscar at home for this one! He said since he didn't bring his nice Cassock he's gonna sit this one out. I think he's just tired after the late nights we've been having. If you can't hang with the big dogs, stay on the porch!

Well that's all for now! I hope you are continuing to enjoy the many adventures of Sarah and Oscar. We have one more day in NYC and then moving on for other adventures! Don't despair if I don't update tomorrow. I'll try my hardest, but I make no promises!

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