Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sarah and Oscar's Excellent Roadtrip! Day 19

Day Nineteen - Weather or Not, Round Two

When I last wrote you, we had many plans today for hiking and swimming in water holes in the mountains. When we woke up this morning, it was clear that was not going to happen. The sky was black again, the rain was pouring, and the thunder was rolling. It was quite clear to us that this wasn't clearing up any time soon. We quickly decided that if we couldn't go hiking in the woods, we'd have ourselves a good old fashioned southern brunch with friends!

In cahoots with Travis' friends Camille and Kelly, we put together one fine looking meal! And it was delicious! I was able to document some of the fixings. Oscar even helped making a few things. Check out this deliciousness:

Camille making the best homemade biscuits I think I've ever had in my entire life!

Oscar overseeing the cooking of the potatoes and the gravy for the biscuits

Oscar says, "Those look A-Maze-Ing!

The finished product!

Even now looking at these pictures I'm getting hungry again! It is perhaps one of my favorite activities in the world to cook a meal with friends, whatever the end result may be. But when the result ends this good...woah!

Here's one shot of the torrential weather. I wish I had gotten video because the rain was coming down so hard and fast!

But believe it or not, that weather turned into one of the loveliest evenings! The skies were clear, the sunset was lovely, the temperature was perfect! We decided to take a drive around the corner to the Grove Park Inn, some fancy schmancey hotel up in the mountain. After dropping $25 on two drinks, we strolled through the grounds and took some photos of beauty in action.

Oscar even decided to have a little fun on the golf course. It kind of reminded me of the good old days of the Fairway Apartments at SHC!

Here's a shot of the fireplaces inside the Grove Park Inn. Travis and Oscar are standing inside of it so you can see how big they are. Can you imagine sitting in front of one of these when they are roaring into action during a cold blustery winter!?!?

We closed out the evening with a sunset dinner on the porch and are now relaxing a bit.

Tomorrow begins the last leg of the journey. We'll drive from here to Mobile and then into NOLA on Tuesday!!!

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