Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sarah and Oscar's Excellent Roadtrip! Day 2

Day Two - French Toast and Lighthouses

Upon announcing to the world that I was coming to Door County for a few days, I got many recommendations on the things that I should do, but no recommendation was a vehement as my friend Lina's insistence that I go to the White Gull Inn and get the Cherry Stuffed French Toast. But, let's be real, it doesn't take a whole lot of prodding to get me to give in to something called Cherry Stuffed French Toast - that is just asking to be devoured!

And was it ever!

By the way, I did not share any with Oscar. I love him dearly, but as we all know, Sarah does NOT share food!

The post breakfast adventures involved visiting and exploring several of Door County's lighthouses. And consequently involved getting lost on several of Door County's roads. Apparently I don't get 3G service up here, so that meant no GPS. I had to go all old school on myself and use a paper map! Woah! It's a good thing I have a pretty decent sense of direction and an even better sense of adventure, because Oscar my navigator was absolutely no help in figuring out where we were. (Author's note: when looking for cool site's to see, never pass up the opportunity to take a road labeled as a "rustic route". You will not be let down!)

The rustic routes took us past lighthouses, cows, barns, and many other scenic stops. Here's just a small smattering of pictures the full album is on my facebook.

Oscar stayed in the van for this one. It was purely by accident, but by the time I realized it I was not about to hike all the way back to the car to get him. While here though, I bought a new canvas bag that was Oscar sized, so I could carry him more easily to future destinations. I know, I know...just what I need in my life is a new canvas bag. But this one has a lighthouse on it and fits Oscar! It had to be purchased! And yes, I climbed all the way to the top!

Since Oscar didn't get to climb the lighthouse, we climbed this instead. He enjoyed the view! We sure did get our exercise in today!

Lighthouse Number 2. We both agreed this wasn't nearly as impressive, but the scenery was lovely nonetheless.

Lighthouse Number Three. I was just as surprised as you may be. I actually drove past it...twice...before I realized that that is what I was looking for. Upon further inspection though, it is an incredibly cool looking structure. It's just nothing like what I picture when I picture lighthouses!

After all of that exploring, we decided we were tired. So, we came home, took a nap, ate some dinner, and enjoyed the sunset with a fruity beverage on the porch. All in all, not a bad way to spend a day!

Tomorrow's adventures: Sturgeon Bay - more delicious food, quaint shopping, and beautiful sites to see!

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