Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sarah and Oscar's Excellent Roadtrip! Day 14

Day Fourteen - The Worst State, The First State, and Half Naked Navy Guys (or Sarah and Oscar take on three more State Capitols)

Worst state might be a bit of a stretch, but NJ has left a bad taste in my mouth and I really have no need to ever go there again.
It started out not so bad. What do you know!?!? New Jersey DOES have a welcome sign, although I'm convinced this is the only one! Of course it was not in a convenient place to stop and take Oscar's picture, so we just got a shot as we drove past it. It gave me high hope that New Jersey would redeem itself off of my list of states I don't particularly care for after the great Welcome Sign Hunt of last week. It was a short lived hope, I promise!

Oscar and I decided that we would keep up with yesterday's trend of State Capitol hopping since we would be within such close proximity to three more capitols. Heading south on I 95, Trenton, NJ, was just a brief 45 minute detour. So, it was totally feasible to pop in and get our pictures and hop back on the Turnpike. Here is Oscar outside of the capitol. We decided that New Englanders really like their gold leaf domes. This is the third such dome we've seen in two days!

Here is a muddled state seal on the pathway into the capitol. We were going to get another better one inside, but no such luck. New Jersians are quite snobby about who they let into their building.

When we arrived, we had to go through security as we did at every other capitol. No worries. But after my bag went through the X Ray and I went through the metal detector they rudely asked me where I was going today. I explained that I simply wanted to grab a few snap shots of the inside of the capitol. Apparently, this is a capital offense! No one is allowed to just wander through the capital. There are only guided tours! I finally was able to talk my way into getting just one shot of the inside of the rotunda, but the officer treated it like we were doing espionage: "If anyone asks, this never happened." For real??? It's a picture. Of a rotunda! Thanks for your hospitality my friend, I'll get back on the interstate now and find some states that actually welcome visitors to their homes!

If that wasn't bad enough, there were some very mean drivers throughout the drive back to the turnpike. Granted, I was already in a bad mood, so this just heightened it. I likely wouldn't have noticed otherwise. But they just pissed me off!

And my final reason for not liking NJ...Apparently you can't pump your own gas here??? There are very limited gas stations on the Turnpike and every single one of them is full service! OK, I know, a very silly reason to not like a state. One might actually find this appealing...not having to get out of the car on the Turnpike. And they clean your windshield while you wait. But again...bad mood...nothing was going my way...I just wanted out of NJ and didn't have enough gas to get me there!

Alas, we finally entered Delaware. Again with no place to stop and take the picture.

But we did get a shot with this sign as we were leaving a few hours later...

All in all, Delaware has my major seal of approval as far as states go. These were likely some of the friendliest people I've ever met! Dover is a precious little town, full of all of the history of those larger places like Philly and Boston...but none of the traffic! Score!

Upon arriving in downtown Dover, I really needed a bathroom, and the first building I happened upon was an art museum with free admission. Perfection! The art wasn't much to look at, but the bathrooms were clean and the woman at the front desk was very informative. She sent me next to the Old State House. She said I simply HAD to go there. Well, if I must, then I must!

What a delight! A lovely man named Tom, who just wrote a 30 minute one man play about the life of Allen (something or the other - I forget his last name) that he even agreed to perform at a Tea Party function provided they didn't take on his character as their new mascot once they learned how awesome he was, gave a delightful tour of the Old State House. He informed me about everything I ever wanted to know about the history of Delaware, and this building as well. I must have spent an hour in there just chewing the fat and learning all sorts of cool facts about DE's role in the fight for Independence.

Oscar and I then went to explore the New State House. Guess what??? Their guards let me in to take as many pictures as I wanted! Below is the outside shot (it's hard to see the state house in the distance, but it's there), the state seal, and the inside of the building. There is no rotunda, so I couldn't get a shot of that. But there was a beautiful staircase, and I love those just as much as rotundas!!!

After stopping for a quick snack, we headed west to Maryland. Again, only really small back roads could get us there...aw shucks!

We made it into Annapolis at 20 to 5, leaving us a very short time to fit in our third capitol of the day. Here is the Maryland State House, seal, and rotunda:

Now, the story gets fun. About a week ago, knowing I would be in Annapolis tonight, I attempted to find a cheap place to stay. I have only recently learned the joys of Priceline, and went through their site to find a place. Lo and behold, I got placed in a 4 start resort for $65! Sweet!
However, when I went to go check into the hotel, I learned that they had over booked for tonight. But, if I was willing, they would put me up (at their expense) in an equally as wonderful hotel just down the road and give me a voucher for a free stay another night at their hotel. Realizing that I wasn't going to be coming back to Annapolis any time soon, I didn't need the free voucher. But taking the cost of my hotel from $65 to free was a pretty sweet deal! So, tonight I'm in some swank hotel with all sorts of fancy amenities at absolutely no cost to me!
Although I will say this much. There is no wireless. I am currently sitting at a desk rather than sprawled out in a bed as I'd like to be because I have to connect my computer to the internet with a wire! Do your remember those??? it's the cable that comes out of the wall and plugs into the computer forcing you to stay within a 5 foot radius of said wall. If I were paying for this stay, I'd demand a refund! hee hee hee!!!

Anyway, last item on the agenda was dinner. We're in Maryland for crying out loud. We HAD to get crab cakes. Thanks to the joys of the internet (even if it is coming out of the wall and not thin air), I found a local's joint on a river with outdoor seating. What more could a girl ask for!?!? We stuffed ourselves with boiled shrimp, jumbo lump crab cakes, and hush puppies!

On the way home from dinner, I was amazed at the number of tall, thin, half naked men there were jogging the streets. It was delightful enough that I got momentarily lost as I was not paying attention to road signs. Oops! As I was contemplating moving to a place that had such wonderful eye candy, it dawned on me that I was driving past the Naval Academy...duh! It all makes sense now!

Now with bellies full and eyes drooping, I dare say I may crawl into bed and pretend to read while I actually examine the inside of my eye lids.

Tomorrow...exploring Shenandoa on our way to Abingdon, VA!!!

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