Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sarah and Oscar's Excellent Roadtrip! Day 12

Day Twelve - Make New Friends, but Keep The Old

Today was a lovely visit the Steimer House in Massachusetts. But in order to get to MA from NY, we got to take two new state sign pictures:

Upon arriving in MA, we got to spend some quality time with my old friends Liz and Jeff:

Liz and Jeff were freshmen at Spring Hill when I was a senior. Liz is my grand little sis in Delta Gamma. Jeff is my former soccer coach. Yes, I played soccer once! Ok, it was an intermural league, and we sucked! But if I recall correctly by the end of the season we had scored at least one goal, and I (as the goalie no less) had blocked a few! Good times, good times!

While we were here though, we got to make some new friends with the additions to Liz and Jeff's family. This is their precious son Matt:

And their pup, Hank:

It was a pretty chill day, just hanging with the family and playing with the baby. Oscar really enjoyed connecting with our old friends and making some new ones. After dinner, we even celebrated Matt's 6 month birthday. Too bad he was already in bed and couldn't enjoy it with us!

Tomorrow we head out for an exploration of New England state capitals. We hope to hit three by days end!

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