Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 30- A picture of you today & 20 goals you want to accomplish.

I can't believe it! I actually did it! 30 days worth of blogging! And it only took me 2 months! My list of goals are an odd combination of short term and long term goals. They are in no particular order, simply how they came to mind. It's amazing how hard it is to come up with 20 goals! Maybe I'm just not goal oriented enough!

1. Find a job!
1.a. Actually finish my resume and start sending it places

2. Finish the next two months at work with continued perseverance and dedication, no lame duck slacking.

3. Visit every state and every continent (every ocean/sea would be cool, too)

4. Lose weight and get in shape

5. Learn another language with decent fluency.

6. Continue to practice and master my guitar skills

7. Create a successful and productive veggie garden.
7.a. Learn to compost

8. Figure out what to do for my next 30 day challenge

9. Watch the first season of Treme, now that I know how OnDemand works (yeah, I'm that lame! Lame enough not to know how OnDemand works, not lame to watch Treme)

10. Take an active role in coastal restoration in south LA

11. Get a fancy camera and learn to use it properly

12. Finish my Easter dress before Easter.

13. Get a dog.

14. Make lots of awesome new friends in New Orleans (not to replace my awesome old friends, just to supplement and sustain me in my new/old home)

15. Pay off my student loans in enough time for me to actually enjoy life after loans.

16. Make myself a more goal oriented person, so making lists of 20 goals is a bit easier.

17. Successfully keep in touch with friends and loved ones around the country.

18. Make lots of cool presents for my little Sproutling, who is due to come mid October!

19. Live life to the fullest!

20. Finish this stupid list.

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