Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 29- In this past month, what have you learned.

In the past month, I have learned:
*The cruise lifestyle is wonderful, and I need sunshine and warmth in order to survive. (but I kind of already knew that; it was just reiterated)
*Sometimes there is no comforting a friend in distress. All you can do is sit next to them and hold their hand.
*I do have self control when it comes to Girl Scout cookies, I would just rather not use it.
*The first budding flowers of spring bring me more joy than just about anything else in the world.
*My addiction to my cell phone and to facebook CAN be overcome, but it takes going to a remote location (i.e. a foreign country where phone/internet rates are out of my reach) in order to do it.
*Meeting new people is a lot of fun, especially when they are fun new people
*Planning road trips is a lot of fun, especially when going to see awesome people you love and miss dearly!

many, many, many other things that just aren't coming to mind just yet.

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