Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 27- Why are you doing this 30 day challenge?

I think ultimately the reason is twofold:

On the surface it's because I was bored and had nothing better to do with my time since I only work part time and am not in school any more. I did the 30 day photo challenge, and enjoyed sharing daily pictures so much I thought I'd spend the next month sharing my thoughts and words.

But on a much deeper level is the reality that I love sharing my thoughts with people. I don't necessarily care if many read them or not. They are out there to be read if you so please, and I can pretend that millions hang on my every brilliant thought, as it should be!

It's kind of funny because when I'm with people - friends, foes, or otherwise - I hesitate to share my every thought because I'm relatively certain very few really care to hear my nonstop babbling about anything and nothing and all the things in between. But, on the internet, I can pretend that everyone cares. Or at least they can care at their own leisure.

The kicker is that I'm running out of days and then I'll have to come up with my own topics to share unless someone can find me a suitable next 30 day challenge.

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