Saturday, July 2, 2011

Back in NOLA update

Well, I've been home for over a week now, and haven't given many updates. This is mostly due to the fact that A) I don't have internet in my house yet, and B) I've been a very busy girl! The day after I got home, many members of our family started arriving from northern regions to help celebrate my grandfather's 80th birthday. The last of the family members is on their way to the airport now. So, spending time with them has taken up a fair bit of time. I've also been attempting to get settled into my house. This has been a bit easier said than done. There's a lot of work to be done cleaning and organizing before I can even begin to start unpacking and settling. This is going to be a long term project, but well worth it in the end. And, I started house sitting for my mom's coworker while she's in CA planning her wedding. This is Jack:

He's a real sweetheart, but he misses his momma something awful! So, I've been trying to spend lots of quality time with him to keep his mind off that!

I've also got my own psychotic animal at home that I've had to contend with! Gus has decided that his favorite new activity is to climb into my wardrobe boxes (that I've yet to unpack) at 3 in the morning. However, they are too deep for him to get out of, which makes for some highly interesting sounds to wake up to in the middle of the night!

But beyond all of that craziness, I did finally sign my contract at Ursuline!!! Yay! Here are some of the details:

I'll be teaching mostly seniors (a semester of World Religions and a semester of Synthesis - not really sure what that is just yet) and one section of sophomores (a semester of New Testament and a semester of Sacraments). I'll also be the assistant coordinator for the Student Council. I've never been on student council myself, so this should be highly interesting! I met with the campus minister for the school who is quite wonderful! I hope to be able to help her with the senior retreat in the spring. If you know me at all you know how much I love that!! New teacher orientations and such will begin on August 3, so I've still got a month of relaxing and settling in before school begins!

I don't want you to assume that life has been all work and craziness for me though. I've had plenty of wonderful times. Moving home of course means partaking in some of my favorite activities (read: foods) that home has to offer. Since I've been back, I've had: sno balls (yes, plural), po boys, beignets, fried seafood, mama's home cooking, and many other wonderful delicacies! I also got a French Quarter play day and the house I'm sitting for is in a great spot uptown for exploring that area as well! All in all, it's been a wonderful welcome home!

And don't worry, Oscar is doing great as well! He's looking forward to school beginning, because he will find a permanent home in my classroom. I think the girls will love to meet him!